Problem I have with creating characters/summary



I have a problem when it comes to creating profiles/backgrounds of characters. I get too eager to want to write the story itself that I'll often not write out the character's profile until I have completed some of the script. I feel that when I try to make characters that I stunt myself from getting to the actual story. Is there a standard I can adjust myself to so I can create the character(s) first and not put too much hassle into the script itself right away?

Also when I write a summary, I know to seperate in three acts but do I write what happens in every scene?

I think I meant to say "treatment" instead of "summary"
[Disclaimer: I don't know anything, I'm just a humble nooblet giving his opinion]

I've gotten into the habit of thoroughly developing my characters before even starting the screenplay. It definitely helps in the dialogue department in the least. You get to really know your characters and let them act for you, rather than trying to shove them into a situation and force dialogue. I recommend the screenwriting software Celtx, it helps me greatly with its character bio outlines.

Another useful practice is to put each of your characters into a random situation, see how they react. Each one should react differently. If not, you got a problem. If you have to think too much about what your character should do next then you really haven't developed them enough.
When you're writing your treatment, don't feel compelled to stick to characterizations. A treatment is simply the prose-form of the story: it's the action in the movie. Now, this changes depending on if you're doing a one-sheet, a short treatment, a long treatment, or a mixed treatment (where you include snippets of the actual script in the treatment). Feel free to start out with your story, but write your characters and story at the same time. They will both adapt and edit as you continue to write. In the end, however, your characters need to have voice. It's whatever way you are comfortable with. Remember, a great script is not found in the writing, but in the re-writing.

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