Is conversion from HD video to Film Possible?


New member

I really appreciate your taking time to read through my posting. Thank you.

I was wondering if I shot a movie or a documentary in High Definition with a JVC GY-HD100 camera and edit it on an AVID PRO HD System, if I would be able to convert with an excellent professional quality to 35mm or Panavision Film for theater projection. Is this possible?

I am sure there are a whole lot of experienced Cinematographers like you who should be able to advise me. I thank you, once again, for your time and look forward to hearing from you. Please copy your posting to my email address

Thanks and regards,
Hi, I like to respond since nobody did, but I'm sorry, I won't e-mail you any copy af the answer...

That's the purpose about a forum, you have to come around as to get your answers and it's easy to get an e-mail notification...

So... the answer is yes, you can get a 35 mm print from an HD project, no problem. Ask your lab or a post house.

The question of getting "an excellent professional quality" is another problem.

Since you didn't shoot 35, you won't get the same quality as if you did, but you'll get something of a "professional" level, anyway...

Again, ask your lab or post house to show you samples...

HD is the best you can get from a video camera, anyway, so it's worth a try. And, if you want a 35 mm theater projection, you have no choice, anyway... But it should be fine.
Makes me think... When I said "HD is the best video format anyway", I was forgetting that you mentionned the HD 100. It's not the best of HD cameras. From far... So may be it would be worth considering some better HD system for transfering to 35 mm...

And mind that you should use a process (24p or 25 p or 30 p...) according to your budget and lab's and post house recommendations.

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