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    Forsale, Nokia N95--$300.00 NOKIA 8800*$190,,Nokia n91$200u

    buddy no soliciting for financial gain here without administrator's concent on the actual forums... + you've got links up top of the main page for the forums... why post in here... Someone ought to make a For Sale forum or something
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    The Road Films of Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Dorothy Lamour.

    I encourage everyone not to plagerise, because if you do? you're only cheating your self. Use this as an example of a semi-decent paper lol. Dont mind the spelling.... anyway.. here you go. Michael-Anthony Pxxxxxx 57xxxxx FMST211/3History of Film to 1959 Section B The Road Film and the...
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    French New wave, Tirez sur le pianiste(1960) Formal Analysis

    I encourage everyone not to plagerise, because if you do? you're only cheating your self. Use this as an example of a semi-decent paper lol. I think I got a B- on it.... anyway.. here you go. Michael-Anthony Pxxxxxx 57xxxxx FMST 212/3 Film Aesthetics Section B Tirez sur le pianiste...
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    Looking for COMBUSTION tutorials...

    I've done all the ones on the Autodesk site... trying to find good tutorials for Combustion, but I cant... help?
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    Panasonic DVX100 VS Canon XL2... Who will win!?!?!?!

    Everyone who makes their own films in DV all have a preference in Camera. So for us students, which is best, and why?!? This thread is going to compare and contrast features between the DVX100 and Canon XL2 to find the overall best camera. So let’s begin! Panasonic DVX100 Specs: - 1/3"...
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    Never Eden Productions... AND new films ! lol

    Hi all, been a while since I posted. New developements since last time. I've posted my first short from University. Its a 2:30 minute film shot on 16mm and it is silent.. NO SOUND... yea, because we didnt do any post for this project... it was just to learn how to use a Bolex camera.. yay...
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    Getting the rights to music??? HOW!?!?!

    I'm producing a 5 minute film for school, and I would like to include music which is copy writen? HOW do I buy the rights? and Who do I talk to for this? the film has to be finished before April? and I need this info Quick?? HELP please! and for some background info, I'm in Canada, I'd like...
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    Time Travel short...

    Hey everyone, I need alot of feedback and opinions to write this script... First of all its a film of about 5 mins... Shot on 16mm non-sink sound... I wanted to write a very short narrative about a Time Traveler from the year 2036... There's a fallowing of people who believe that a man from...
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    GREETINGS! from Concordia University in Montreal Canada!

    Hi all, my name is Mike and I'm a student at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema at Concordia University. Most of us shoot in 16mm film. Anyway, just saying hello, since I'm going to be comming here often to bounce my ideas for short films to you guys and gals. If you would like to see some...