Multiple computers, same project


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I'm working on a project with two editors and two computers and I'm wondering how we can make this work - how we can work on the same project from two different computers....I guess basically the question is how you would combine two projects into one?
Thanks for all the help
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You'd have to break it up into two projects, as one project can not be accessed by two users at the same time, yet.

Break up the project, then put those media files needed for each on each computer.
The best way is to have complete duplicates of all the media and supporting files on 2 separate drives. Have the directories on each drive mirror the other and the just swap FCP project files. Keep the names properly so you don't get confused. And if one editor adds music, gfx, new media, you have to add that to the other drive. FCP isn't the best at media management so you MUST be diligent in your organization. But it can work.
another potential idea would be to store everything on a firewire/USB 2.0 hard drive and then just move the drive back and forth between computers
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