Idea Development


New member
I know this sounds like a half a zillion gits out there already, but I've got an idea for an horror movie. Don't know if it's origional or not, but hey it's mine. I've always found that working with someone helps a hell of a lot, so hit me up if yer interested.
I was just wondering, so kinda off-topic, is it possible somehow to mix such things as horror movie and a meaning of life, idea is to somehow make people even after watching some horrible horror movie make them think about their life values, re-think some of them, point out humans natures positive side. I myself learn 3D animation and one of my secret dreams is to make one of those rare in 3D animation field horror movies that could touch viewers soul, kinda make them at first be scared to hell and then show that things posses positive side - somehow connect,excuse me, this nowadays consumeric society's growing egoism, shit and violence, perversion and so on as opposite to humans idealistic nature.
Is there any book or movie that I should take into consideration/inspiration?
I was influenced by Francis Bakon's art.
Something like Silent Hill probably is close to what I want yet still - it is not.
So, any books and artists, movie directors to be inspired from on how approximately I could make some good script out of this thoughts, how create characters and dialogs,those kinda details through which ones I could transform my message into powerful video. I want to posses many of those secrets that transforms movies into something more than just a moving image sequence?
that sounds like a great idea! the best inspiration will always be things that you aren't looking for or expecting. however, if you want to get some ideas in the way of horror, i strongly suggest watching Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead. it shows what you can do, even with a low budget.
if you want to learn more about human nature and how to apply it to story telling, read William Golding's Lord of the Flies. it will truly make you think.
Ou yes, I watched Evil Dead, all three movies! Very original indeed. I didn't know that Sam Raimi was behind it. I start to hear this name more often. There was two books I almost bought in and one was about Sam Raimi, it's just linked automatically(amazon advertisment :))
Lord of the flies? Sounds somewhat familiar, will check out as soon as time appear.

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