Hi, I need you vote!


New member
On October 30 I found out about a video contest held by MSN.com. The deadline for entries was October 31. I had about a day and a half to come up with something. Well, when all was said and done, I managed to be one of the 20 finalists. The winner will be determined by the votes of the viewers.

Here is the link:

Of course, vote for the one you like best, but, the video I made is under the name of "Maria Martinez". She is the main actress.

So, if you like my video, help me out with your vote. If I win I will use the money to fund my low-budget movie.


P.S. Your input is appreciated.
what is this about?

what is this about?

I don’t see any videos on the link page you have listed here. It just links to an MSN page.

I still don’t think this is the appropriate place for this kind of stuff. What in the world is that a link to anyway?
This morning the link had the 20 videos that were chosen by MSN as finalists for the contest. I don't know why they are not there any more.

If this post was inappropriate, I apologize. Please remove it.
No Disrespect but VOTE FOR ARIAH FINE!!!!

No Disrespect but VOTE FOR ARIAH FINE!!!!

sorry, I'm in the competition too, and I wanted to recommend people check out BOTH videos before making a decision.

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