'Green Screen' on Adobe Premiere


New member
my friend told me that he made a short goofy film using adobe premiere pro and he filmed a flying saucer over a 'green screen' he made by just painting a board a certain shade of blue, and of course he put the saucer over some background he filmed. he told me he used the video effect extract, and just 'deleted' the shade of blue (which is what i assume they do in big production as well) but i tried to do it and it didnt work out for me. can someone tell me if that is the command for the 'green screen' or maybe i did it wrong?
Hey Jack,

This is an one that I'm not gona be able to help with. I do all my post production effects with Combustion....

But what I can tell you is that Adobe has an after effects program.. called Adobe After Effects lol... I dont know about this green screen stuff built into Premiere, but I think this forum has a section for Premiere pro.
aww i gotchya, its just when i submited a post question for the sound effects forum, it still hasnt been answered and i posted it feb 21 so i tend to post everything in here now haha, taking advantage of the 'traffic' here :p thanks tho
yo guys,
i gotta recommend you try UltraKey by a company named, Serious Magic. It's a bit costly, but at least download and try the free demo version. I used it as a test for the (incredibly poorly lit) greenscreen we built for my film.

The video demo on their site demonstrates it really well too...

hope this helps..cuz I was killing myself with Premiere's and AfterFx's built in keyers!!!

Premiere pro has Chroma, luma, and several other types of keying capabilities. Not as flexible as After Effects in my opionion but you can get pretty good results
Like gwyddion said, just use the chroma key feature. This will do a pretty good job. The main thing you need to worry about is the lighting though. That is by far the biggest problem with all green screen attempts. Make sure its even and the subject and the backdrop are lit seperatley.

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