Starting your own entertainment company


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I'm currently working on a horror movie and am looking for some filmmakers who would like to start a movie company with me. If you would like to work with me on this project, I in turn would work with you on your projects. Hopefully, we can sell our projects and make some money. In turn for your help with my movie, my crew and I can help you make and finance your movie. But hey, check out my website: and email me if your interested.
I did a movie called a horror movie called Stain, which can be related to The Ring. I've make action movies. My movies have all dissappeared from my computer when I went to the military. My friends deleted them. But beyond that, actors would do anything to be a part of a movie and having them pay money to be a part of a big production is an easy way to get in. This has worked. One producer has charged actors 1300 to appear in his movie. And raised 8,000 for his production. Yes this idea works.
From an article on Internet Video Magazine:

"...It IS illegal to charge actors to be in your movie, on two counts. First off, acting, thanks to unions like SAG, and even if you’re not a SAG actor, is considered a profession. So paying for an acting job is considered bribery and therefore illegal. This happened in LA and the District Attorney took it on to protect the actors, as researched by our Film Commissioner. Secondly, it’s illegal because the wording in the contract that one of the actors gave me stated that the money you spent on the role was actually an investment in the production of the movie. By calling it an investment broke several Federal Trade laws and it’s highly serious offense."
I can't see myself running to jump at the chance behind the camera and having to spend $200 when I can do it myself for free. I guess the motivation to do things right and perfect will come from spending your own good money.

How is this working out because it can be a huge, huge problem, especially if things aren't working out during the shoot or you finish it and it bombs/cast or crew don't like it. That's a lot of expectation to live up to.
I am fairly certain it is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard. It defeats the entire point of making a film... You shouldn't have to pay to be a part of a film. Especially if you aren't a well known filmmaker. Why would anyone want to pay 500$ to be apart of your movie, when with that 500$ they could rent an excellent mic and lights and make their own film......? For free no less (that is without paying to be APART of it). And it is disrespectful of the services the cast and crew render. It is basically saying "you and your services aren't important enough to be paid positions. In fact, your services are so inept that you should be paying me!!" In other words, what you are doing is setting a bad working environment before the project has even begun. The people that work on your projects aren't going to feel respected if they are paying you-they aren't going to feel like equals when they should.

And that is the dumbest argument saying that "the motivation to do things right and perfect will come from spending your own good money."

Yes that's true... But not just to BE APART of a NO NAME production company. The motivation should come from spending your OWN money on your OWN EQUIPMENT, your own LOCATIONS. And your own cast a crew.. You should be paying them if anything, because you need them more than they need you. Look at it from their point of view, as well as yours. You want people to pay to be apart of your one man production so you have more than a one man production. From their perspective, (that is my perspective), I'd rather not pay to be apart of a no name production, and start my own company or be paid to work on another production. I would be very surprised if you get anyone willing to pay you 500$ to work for you... It just isn't economic or sensible, and I wouldn't trust anyone who would pay to be apart of it. It is just all very strange, too strange for my taste.

You should be more concerned with the talent of the people working with you than the money they have. Not everyone has 500$ or 200$ to spend to be in a project, and you forgo A LOT of talent by creating a money issue that way. This way, you are just inviting rich or well off people who have money to blow on a gamble to work on your project... It is ridiculous and disturbing because it seems like you are seeing filmmaking as a "fundraising" business as opposed to an art, and trying to exploit it as a way to make money more than as a way to make a point. I find that very disturbing.
I registered an account just so I can rant about the stupidity of this idea. I'm usually over at DVX or DVinfo but stumbled across this forum. Let's begin the ranting.

1. If I have to pay to work... for anything... the first thing that comes to mind is scam, due to the pyramid schemes.

2. Why would I pay you to work if I can get paid to work? Perhaps because I'm not competent enough to fill the position, in which, if that's the case, I fear that the project itself will suck a$$ due to the incompetence of the entire cast and crew.

3. If you can't see, as a producer/director, that your cast and crew are SUFFERING for YOU, then you should probably go back to filmmaking 101. The fact that you make people pay for you shows that you dont see the importance of their role, that their positions are expendable. I would like to see you make a film with no cast and crew, because the likely story is, you wont have one if you're asking them to pay you.

4. If none of this makes sense, then please, join MY production company. My rates are considerably cheaper at $250 for main roles, $100 for crew, and $50 for extras. Look at that, you can pay me 1/2 the amount and do what you love doing most! I've made several different films ranging from romance to comedy to sci-fi to thrillers. Unfortunately, though, I've lost all my films due to a harddrive failure and they were never signed for distribution, so there's no evidence of them ever existing. Please email me if interested.
Morisato said:
I registered an account just so I can rant about the stupidity of this idea. I'm usually over at DVX or DVinfo but stumbled across this forum. Let's begin the ranting.

1. If I have to pay to work... for anything... the first thing that comes to mind is scam, due to the pyramid schemes.

2. Why would I pay you to work if I can get paid to work? Perhaps because I'm not competent enough to fill the position, in which, if that's the case, I fear that the project itself will suck a$$ due to the incompetence of the entire cast and crew.

3. If you can't see, as a producer/director, that your cast and crew are SUFFERING for YOU, then you should probably go back to filmmaking 101. The fact that you make people pay for you shows that you dont see the importance of their role, that their positions are expendable. I would like to see you make a film with no cast and crew, because the likely story is, you wont have one if you're asking them to pay you.

4. If none of this makes sense, then please, join MY production company. My rates are considerably cheaper at $250 for main roles, $100 for crew, and $50 for extras. Look at that, you can pay me 1/2 the amount and do what you love doing most! I've made several different films ranging from romance to comedy to sci-fi to thrillers. Unfortunately, though, I've lost all my films due to a harddrive failure and they were never signed for distribution, so there's no evidence of them ever existing. Please email me if interested.

Bravo friend...Bravo 8)
I have a production company but we don't charge our cast and crew to work on a film. We usally hire semi professional actors off craigslist and so far only have 2 people for my production company but we get the job done. We have made a slasher film called "Slash and Run" running at 14 minutes and it was just me and my friend who made that But if anyone is in the area or wants to work together online or something let me know.

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