seeking short films for TV show


New member
We are currently seeking short films for broadcast on a TV show for several markets in Ohio. If you have a movie under 30 minutes that you'd like to see broadcast in Columbus, Dayton, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, please submit me your movie. No nudity or any harsh language, please. Any movies with language or nudity selected will be edited with a BEEP or audio drop, as this is for regular broadcast television and must adhere to FCC laws. Any films over 10 minutes will be broken up by commercial breaks, so if you would like to self censor your movies before submission, that would be preferred.

You can download the submission form here:

For submissions on tape, please have at least :30 seconds of bars & tone and :10 of black video before your video starts, and at least :20 seconds of black after or in between each short on the same tape.

Mini DV, DVCAM, HDV 720, or HDV 1080
data files on a jumpdrive or DVD-R/CD-R:
Quicktime (H.264 for HD, no PRO-RES files, please)
Microsoft DV AVI
M2T format HD files

Fill that out and mail your submissions to:

Ross @ PPM
520 Enterprise Drive,
Suite C
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035

There is no pay for broadcast, but it is exposure for yourself and your movies. Get your movies seen by new audiences and in several cities.


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