NEED ADVICE - Shooting in Snow


New member
Hi, Im new here, and seems this forum is very helpfull, so maybe you could also give some advise to me.
I'm preparing a very very low budget short, I am planning to start in mid January and have lot's of scenes with heavy snow. I don't have enough budget, so have to shoot with natural snow. I am wondering if you had such experience, and whether you could give any useful advice?

Filmmaker from Armenia
One potential issue is that batteries are far less efficient in cold weather; you might need to take them off the camera between shots and warm them up (e.g. by sticking them inside your coat).
Also, if its snowing, remember you have to frontlight snow for it to be visible (backlight rain). And bring plenty of warm gear. I've done snow shooting. Not very fun. Cold. Be efficient, prep as much as humanly possible. From shotlist to equipment. People get impatient much faster. And if your camera is in the cold for a while, be wary of bringing it inside, and then outside again because it will fog up and take about 15-20min to unfog. If it's snowing, be careful with lighting equipment, because if it hits the glass, it is potentially in danger of shattering. And yes, batteries are far less efficient in the cold.
Think about your cast and crew! I just shot a short little 3 1/2 minute scene out in the snow at the end of November and even though I was only out there for 4 hours it was cold! Do whatever is humanly possible to provide comforts for your cast and crew. Invest in a few large thermoses you can fill with hot chocolate or coffee and have cups available so between takes people can warm their hands and stomachs.

Bring some extra coats and blankets, especially if your cast has less than adequate snow clothing on. Anything that your cast members can toss around themselves to help warm up; do not expect your cast to truly be ready for long hours standing around in snow. They're worried about memorizing lines and bringing their performance, not being prepared with a whole wardrobe to survive in the cold with.

If there's any sort of indoor cover nearby where you're shooting and it is at all possible to make available then make sure it's available! This is especially important when you're running more than 10 or 15 minutes between setups. Actors will perform better if they've been given the opportunity to rehearse the upcoming setup (or relax) in a warm atmosphere rather than 26 degree weather.
Thanks for advice

Thanks for advice

Hi! Happy New Year and thanks to all for your comments and advice.
It is already snowing here and I am planning to start January 21st.
If you have time please visit the myspace we have created for the film, and of course you are all invited to become the friends of our film :)


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