My Entry for Conan O'Brien's Commercial Contest. Thoughts?

I thought the sound was alright, but could have been warmed up a bit. I think you were trying to go for a late-night kind of lighting, but I just felt it was overly dark and could have been lightened up a bit. I also thought the swearing was not needed and really turned me off from it... at least put the "bleep" over it.
Ha thats kinda cool and the bleep is the point, it makes it more funny when they censor stuff on network tv.
Thanks for the input. The overly dark lighting was actually a heavy amount of color correction. I noticed its less than stellar quality after burning it to a DVD and took it off, so the finished product looks better. With the F-bomb, I'm assuming the contest holders will bleep it out if they're going to air it so I left it in.

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