Location question for a short film


New member
I plan on shooting a short film for a school project that I want to incorporate into a portfolio for college.

The main question is, what are areas that I can get footage of a busy public place such as intersections and downtown streets that I can also get footage of the same exact shot but without anyone in the shot at all. I know thats a long sentance, but Im not sure how else to word it. I know time of day would be of the essence, but Im having trouble coming up with locations.

The point is that Im shooting a short that shows a sequence of busy public places and then showing how a man reacts to being the only human left on earth the next day, and how he walks through these places and reacts. Any and all help is appreciated.
I know the type of shot you're going for.

In Vanilla Sky, Tom Cruise's character goes through a similar ordeal in Times Square in NYC.

Problem is, they had lots of contacts and used the NYPD to close down all the streets and clear everyone out of there. And they shot very early on a weekend morning, when there were very few people around anyway.

So, unless you can think of a unique way to do that, or you have some contacts in the police department who can help you clear an entire intersection, it's gonna be tough.

I'm sure you can do it...you're an indie filmmaker after all!
Here's an idea...

Find an empty street, intersection, whatever... set up your shot and record the empty street. Then get all of your friends, the friends of your friends, and the friends of your friends friends (of course, call them up and plan everything before hand) to drive their cars thru the same street... (have them waiting around the corner of the empty street)

Maybe not exactly what you need, but hey, it's something.

P.S. Remember, since you are not actually closing down the street you have to do it fast and plan everything before you shoot. If it is not a high volume traffic street you could get help from the police to close down the street for a couple of hours.
Go out early Sunday morning and do a location scout. Find a place where there are normally a lot of people, but on sunday--the most likely day--will be empty. An outdoor mall would be perfect--shops don't usually open until 10. I don't know how big of a town you live in, but a "main street" would probably wield the same result. Since this would be somewhat of an establishing shot, so you wouldn't need much time without somebody in the frame, then cheat the meduims, close-ups etc.


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