How do I write a Synopsis?


New member
I have gotten interest from my loglines to write a one-page synopsis. Ive read on some websites that its very descriptive, describing everything and everybody, and I read on others that it describes the main story. I'm curious as to how to write one. And I really don't see one-page synopsis examples on the internet. Does anybody know what's required?
well to write a synopsis you have to have an idea of what your story is about then you tell the story kind of like a book you give a description of all your characters and then the scenes and locations how ever i find it easier to use notecards for my characters i put each of my characters on a note card tell there age interests jobs everything and then i write my story hope that helps you
To write a synopsis:

Take your scene list. Choose the five or six big moments in the film that deal with your protagonist and their main conflict with the antagonist. Write them in short prose form, but make it poetic.

A synopsis should hit the main beats of your story.

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