Green or blue screen



I know that Final cut pro will allow you to use green or blue screen effects But I have know clue how to work it. :?:
It's an involved process. If you really want to learn it properly, the Apple Pro Training Series book, "Advanced Color Correction and Effects in Final Cut Pro" has great tutorials on chosing between green and blue (or another color), how to assess your shots, keying, cleaning up the key, etc.

Have you already shot the footage, or are you still needing to know how to set up a shot for keying?
Well I just wanted to know how to work it so I can expand my ideas when I write a script.
In a nutshell, you shoot on a colored background, in post, that color is removed to that other footage can show through in those areas.

As for how it technically is done, it's more involved than that, and more information than I care to type here. I've never seen chroma key details in a script. That's ususally set up by the DP after the script is done.

Again, there are places to get this info, but, it's more detail than I'm willing to sit here and type out all day. It's not a simple cut and dry process. It involved lighting, color selections, spacing, etc, etc, etc.
I found in both Final Cut Pro 6 and Final Cut Express there is an option under the Effects tab- Video Filters- Key- Blue and Green Screen.
You just simply move sliders until it keys out the blue or green and adjust smaller effects to retain the subject in the foreground.
Yes, but those filters are only the beginning. They aren't magic, they work to varying degrees depending on the qualities of the footage. Then there's the spill suppressor filters that come after. And that doesn't even consider the color grading that should be done before those blue/green screen filters are even applied.

There are several tutorials on-line if you do a search. Get both the "Encyclopedia of Color Correction" and the "Encyclopedia of Visual Effects", both are Apple Pro Training Series Books. Both very good, have tutorial material on DVDs with them, and are really must have books if you're going to do serious work in the visual effects area.
just a tip, w/ green-screen or blue, the main key is matching lighting. your stuff starts to look fake if the lighting isn't precise, so when you get down to it, make sure you get that right!

Good luck :D

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