Film quality vs. VHS quality



What makes films look nicer (softer perhaps) than VHS? I watched several Twilight Zone episodes and it was immediately apparent which ones were filmed like a home movie. Is it the lens? A filter applied in post production?
For one thing, 35mm film resolution is equivalent to about 2000x1500 pixels, whereas VHS is equivalent to about 320x480 pixels: worse, VHS color resolution is maybe 1/4 of that.

As for film vs video, one of the main issues is that film handles a much higher contrast range than video: hence if you shoot the same scene on film and video, on film you'll still get detail in the highlights and shadows when on video the highlights are pure white and the shadows are pure black. I read an article a few months ago with actual numbers for typical film, HD and DV contrast ranges, but forget what they were.
Thanks for the response. Apart from the color issue you pointed out, I've also found out that filming at 24p fps gives the "cine" look and cheap camcorders only do interlaced 60i fps.

Sounds like I need to get the Canon XL2 to get both 16:9 AR and 24p fps. That should do the trick. It's only SD but I'm not sold that HD is a must just yet.
There are more expensive cameras that do inerlaced as well. Its subtel. A new-comer to filmmaking probobly wouldn't be able to tell the difference between 24p, and 30p or 60i. The differences are like I said, subtle. Most audience members wouldn't be able to tell you either.

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