feedback on idea


New member
here it is. Tell me what you think and how i can develop it.

Group of high school kids just graduated and want to start renting a house and they are afraid of moving go to look for a house and find one. they rent the house. renter acts weird. walks around house at night constantly there doing things. kids start disappearing. one person is like "where is such and such?". call cops cops dont have evidence. they suspect the renter is the killer. teenager plants things of people that were killed in the owners possession. ski mask while planting. friends notice items on owner. three kids left. more die then the renter dies and in the end they find out that one of the kids is the killer.

What do ya think? How can I make it stronger as a whole?
Just make sure you have a strong plot (not just everyone dies) with very distinct characters. If all your characters act and speak the same then it'll just blend together and be very boring; give each of them a backstory and different voice.

As for the several people mysteriously dying: that's the plot killer for most student films. You can pull it off, but try to make it different from every other murderer student film.

So, keep it original, make your characters interesting and different and I think you can pull it off. Good luck!
Think about it...

Think about it...

If I moved into a house with a few of my friends and then someone was murdered there and or kidnapped, I might move back home to my parents house. If two of my friends suffered that fate, it's over. I'm out of there. So your audience will be asking, "Why don't they just leave?" Is it House on Haunted Hill, where they can't leave? If it is, then okay. Just say we're dealing with a living breathing house that kills people. If not, then why are they still there? You have to make it logical ENOUGH that people can believe it. If it's unbelieveable then you have to make it really gorry, or so it would seem. Either way, the market is pretty flooded with stories of this nature.

Good luck, you might need it.
I would story it as college students involved in an entrepreneurial scenario (Like house flipping for example), this way you can have the obligatory co-ed hotties, characters with a bit more depth to their back stories AND a setup that suggests the motive of the last character alive standing to make a lot of money.

Let the hero wrongly take the blame, then reveal the real killer is the friendly real estate agent from the 1st act.

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