Favorite Movies

Yes, usually the remakes loose the quirky cool-ness of the origional work.
That camera POV thing you talk about is interesting to notice.
If the story doesen't pull you in so that you loose objectivity..
Those CSI type ones are over the top in that area.
You might view from the POV of the bug that lives in the beer can that was thrown by the passer by, for example.
I think the Simpsons cartoonists poked fun at that style in one of their shows.
Rec 2

Rec 2

I can't help but notice and point out the different kinds of camera movement in movies, and the different ways that different movement and POV might be been shot. Especially if it was delivered in such a subtle way.

In "Live Free or Die Hard" (2007), I can't help but count the minutes or duration of consecutive camera movement.

I guess that's my mindset if I know that the story is not going to be that serious. Like for the movie "Quarantine" (2008), sitting in the theatre I felt like I've got to appreciate something like how scenes were lit and shot, if I don't feel like there will be a story or plot conclusion to appreciate in the end.

What I liked the best about "Quarantine" is that it led me to find out about the original movie called "REC" (2007), which although some might say it wasn't shot better than "Quarantine", the ending of "REC" was much better than the ending "Quarantine" in my opinion.

Speak of the devil,...err,... or rabies-infected zombie demon (fictitious character, that is!). No, I'm not superstitious, but getting to my point for posting: guess what I found out is an official selection of TIFF 2009. "REC 2." Funny! I don't want to say anything negative about the original REC movie, or really any movie, (I'd rather be about only spreading love and positivity), I thought it was a fun, horror popcorn movie for what it was (okay, so the low budget shooting style was distracting), well, the story was good for a Friday nite, horror popcorn movie, and the lead actress was really great, and fit the character perfectly. I will be finding out - because I'm just curious - what the dealio is with REC 2. More news to come (if you don't beat me to it first).
I have seen the following over 20 times

- Adaptation
- Synecdoche New York
- Jumanji (randomly enough)
- Hook
- The Diving Bell and The Butterfly

I would watch some more david lynch, but I just cant stay awake for it. damn that fool. but yes adaptation is certainly my favorite to watch over and over, charlie kaufman gaah!

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