Critique this opening (4 pps)


Narrow Road

A while back I had this one scene stuck in my head and I couldn't get rid of it. It didn't go to anything, just seemed like a real visual opener. Anyway, I finally sat down one day and wrote it out. Then I just let my "muse" take over and wrote until I ran out of steam. Finally, I set it aside to use someday when I discover the rest of the story.

I just came across these pages again this morning and thought I'd post them here to see what others thought about them. Here goes:
                FADE IN:

                EXT. DESERT - DAY

                A two-lane highway dividing a vast expanse of sand and
                cactus. Heat shimmers can be seen rising from the
                pavement as the sun sits high in the sky. 

                Silent. No signs of life, except for a lizard that
                skitters across the hot pavement and disappears in to the
                shadow of a cactus.

                After a few moments the silence is broken by a low rumble
                coming from somewhere beyond the horizon. The sound is
                accompanied by a shadow creeping across the sand.

                The source of the shadow is discovered as a


                slowly hovers into view...and lands.

                It is quickly apparent that this UFO has seen better
                days. The black scorch marks and crumpled steel sections
                make it clear this is not the best saucer in the fleet.

                EXT. UFO - DAY

                From somewhere inside the craft can be heard mumbling.
                This is followed by the sound of hammering and then a
                ramp begins to lower from the bottom of the craft.

                The ramp drops to the sand with a thud and a


                is rolled down the ramp. The body appears to be a human

                                      ALIEN (O.C.)
                                (alien voice, english
                          You better not screw up again...I can't
                          survive another hit.

                A loud clunking and screeching sound is heard and then an
                alien arm reaches down and pulls the ramp up. The ramp
                immediately falls down, is pulled up again and hammering
                is heard from inside the craft.

                As the UFO lifts into the sky, PETER jumps to his feet.

                          Come back here, you can't leave me like

                The UFO passes back over head and drops a case which hits
                Peter on the head, knocking him out cold. The craft then
                flies away.

                INT. UFO - DAY

                The "bridge" of the craft is in complete disarray. There
                are papers strewn everywhere, coffee cups are turned over
                with coffee stains present on the various instrument

                Various instrument panels are open exposing the
                electronics below. Many rolls of duct tape can be seen
                laying around as well.

                In the middle of the "bridge" is a

                CAPTAIN'S CHAIR

                where the PILOT is seated. The Pilot's face is obscured
                by a dog-eared book titled, "Flying Saucer, Model IFV
                1701, Owner's Manual". In the pilot's other hand is a
                hammer and a philip's screwdriver.

                                (extremely frustrated)
                          Insert the flux transformer into slot
                          17b, as pictured in Figure 3.2.2 on page
                          56? There's only 48 pages in this book.

                Throws book across "bridge" as a

                YELLOW LIGHT

                begins flashing and a klaxon begins to sound.

                                      COMPUTER VOICE
                          Warning! Proximity Danger! Activating
                          Yellow Alert!

                                      PILOT (O.S.)
                          Computer. Activate forward viewer.

                An image begins to appear on a

                VIEW SCREEN

                located on one of the "bridge" walls. As the image comes
                clear the screen is filled with what appears to be an
                extremely large satellite.

                There is a loud crash immediately followed by the sound
                of fire extinguishers.


                SUPER: 2 weeks later

                          ...would love for you to join us for
                          dinner next time you are in town. Please
                          read that last bit back to me.

                          The first lady and I would love for you
                          to join...

                There is a knock at the door, then the door opens and the
                secretary of defense pokes his head in.

                                      SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
                          Mr. President, sorry to interrupt, but we
                          have a situation.

                                (to secretary)
                          Will you please excuse us?

                Secretary leaves and the president motions for the
                defense secretary to have a seat.

                                      PRESIDENT (CONT'D)
                          So, what seems to be the trouble?

                                      SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
                          Well sir, as you know, two weeks ago
                          NORAD spotted an unidentified object
                          leaving the earth's atmosphere and
                          colliding with the International Space

                          Yes, I already know that. NASA indicated
                          the damage was superficial and there
                          would be no need for a rescue or a repair

                                      SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
                          That's correct, sir. However, many
                          nations are now claiming the unidentified
                          object was a missile which we fired at
                          the station.

                          Why would we do that? We were the largest
                          contributor to that project, we certainly
                          don't want to destroy it.

                                      SECRETARY OF DEFENSE
                          Russia and China are apparently
                          conducting several scientific experiments
                          aboard the station. And Russia claims
                          that their cosmonauts saw an American
                          Flag on the outside of whatever crashed
                          into the station.

                EXT. DESERT - LATER

                Peter walks along the highway, the case under his arm. He
                looks surprisingly refreshed for having spent that past
                two weeks walking through the desert.

                As Peter nears a


                a rattlesnake strikes from the shadows. Without
                missing a step, Peter grabs the snake before it
                bites. He then crushes the snakes head in his hand
                and tosses the snake aside.
good held me.

plenty of foreshadowing.......and I found it interesting that you never described what the captain looks like.

I want to know what happens next!

Interesting approach, it definitely put a smile on my face.
It sounds like it could be really funny.
Other people might not have seen it that way, but I thought there was a playful tone behind it, and I like that.

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