Actors Help Needed!



Hi, I'm wondering if any actors amongst you wouldn't mind helping out a fellow student. I'm currently doing my placement (Film Production BSc Sandwhich course) running a business creating showreels from scratch for unestablish actors that won't have had the chance to have been in anything already. Before me and my partners throw ourselves into it, we want to fully appreciate exactly what the acting community wants, and not just what we think they want. Therefore, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind spending 2 minutes (it really is that short) filling in an online questionnaire at:

We will be offering a reduced price as a "thank you" to those that leave an email (although you don't have to) but this rate will be severely cut further if you sign up with a uni address, or tell me when you complete it with a PM on here, as I want to offer something more to my community.

Finally, I'm not spamming. It's taken me 2 years of going to uni to find this website unfortunately, but now I have I will be posting and replying on different threads and not just posting this one request for help and sodding off!

Although I'm new to this, so I'm not sure where you would find it, but I uploaded my zombie film earlier to my space, be nice to know what you think.

Ah brilliant thanks for that as I wasn't aware of that part of the site, it's taking me some time to get used to! I'll do that tomorrow.

Thanks again,
Work Smart, Work Hard, and don't let the prisoners and the bad guys get you down.

Work Smart, Work Hard, and don't let the prisoners and the bad guys get you down.

Work Smart, Work Hard, and don't let the bad guys get you down. Also, put a link back to our site from your site.

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