film feedback

  1. Goldenmoral cinemas

    HUMANITY Official Album and Movie Trailer (Final Cut Hopefully)

    HUMANITY Album and Movie Trailer Final Cut HI! This is Asher again, a young Australian Male currently in University. After receiving a mountain of great feedback and criticism of the previous ‘cuts” of this trailer from many forums including this one, I hope I have finally arrived at the...
  2. Goldenmoral cinemas

    THE KINGS WORLD: War of the VOID Official Trailer

    In the making for 13-14 Years, since I first created the character of the Greedy Captain on his golden ship when I was a young boy. (4 years old) I’m so hyped to finally bring to life The Kings World in its first FULL SCALE feature film. Combining live action, 3D animation and 2D animation...
  3. Goldenmoral cinemas

    Hi I’m new here! Thought I’d share my latest work for feedback :)

    My name is Asher Pike, I’m very thankful for being accepted into this site. I hope to become friends with people here, to give and gain advice. I am an aspiring film director, novel writer, musical composer and editor. Just 16 as well so I really appreciate all advice and feedback on my work...