young inspired amateur director


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hi my name is peter and i am 18 years old still in high-school (started school a tad bit late) and i am inspired on directing ever since i was 12 years old i wanted to make movies. i just wanted to know if any one can point me into the right path or something. THANKS

I'm in a similar position to you. I'm also 18 and am in college studying Media and Film. I'm currently in my second year and about to start production on my second film. My advice to you is that no matter how many books you read, no matter or much you research making films, the only way you gonna learn is to actually get out there making films. Obviously being the age we are and having the facilities we have avaliable, making a film can be a daunting task. However it is something you have got to go for and use your school/college as much as you can.

Good luck.

P.S here is the link to my first short earlier in the year
I totally agree with JackTorrance. first I learned a hell lot about filming in theory and read nearly everything about filming on the internet :p . But when your actually filming its really not the same. You'd be thinking that because you know everything about filming that your going to make a real great movie but its really not that easy . Im 15 years now and im also completly into filming. So really start filming to know how it is :p

This just a trailer i made for school but turned out to be quite good :p
Yes the best way to learn is to get out there and start making films. But just remember always be true to yourself no matter what the project. But I would suggest write your first film yourself don't take anyone elses work because it won't be yours and most people are not willing to let you change their script to fit your needs if their not making any money.
Yea, you can also play your character much better if you write the scipt yourself and spend alot of time thinking about your movie. But you wont get in any trouble or whatever if you just refilm a short version of for example the lord of the rings and put it on youtube..
The best way to get starteed is to be on set. But, there are ways better than others in learning. At your age (and you're not too late at all. You're actually the perfect age to start), look for professional video and film productions around. If you are going to film school, don't plan on getting to direct your first time out. In fact, I would recommend against that.

Instead, find people at your local film school who are more focused on specific areas such as screenwriting, in cinematography, in production design, in grip work, in camera department, in sound department, in production (for assistant directors, producers, and production managers). Ask them if you can come work for them, and you will learn each different department that works on a film and television set.

Once you have learned the nuances of the entire film process, you will have not only a better respect for all the people that are required to make a great film, but you will also learn techniques and foster ideas on how you want to direct your movies. It will give you a more rounded view of film instead of the vision that you originally wanted to create, and your projects will be unique and exciting, more so than your other colleagues who wanted to be directors, and only worked toward that goal.

I have just become interested in filmmaking within the last several years or so, and am currently working on two of my own scripts. Needless to say to most anyone out there, I still have about a thousand thoughts and ideas screaming through my mind!

Though I had seen Jaws before, I rented the movie less than a year ago and watched it no less than a dozen times, probably a lot more (sometimes two or three times a day) last winter.

I'm going to say what most everyone will be or all ready has said, Watch movies, observe, analyze, and do it all over again. That will help somewhat in itself.

I have to say that Steven Spielberg is one of my favourite directors, if not my favourite. He's a good one, for watching his films and seeing how he does things (provided you don't get too wrapped up in the Jurassic Park films!)

Good luck!

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