Which film stock should I use?


New member
I'm a little new to using film, but I know I want to use 16mm color. I'm shooting in Seattle sometime during the spring, inside of a ravine, so there's going to be bright sunlight seeping in through the trees. I'll most likely be shooting on a Eclair NPR, but maybe an ACL II or a Bolex. I'm looking for something that will leave some interesting light/shadow contrast, but I'm also shooting this on a REALLY low budget. Any suggestions? I'm willing to do tests w/a couple, but I'd really like to narrow it down to 3 or 4. Thanks!
try 250D, youll want day light stock, and a slower film stock if theres lots of bright light. however if u want grain and more interesting shadows, go for a faster film, like 500, but ull have to be very careful not to over expose, on the plus side ull get lots of nice grain!


Should use kodak vision 2 50d
It has smaller grain. Its good especially if you will project your footage on a big screen.

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