Time Travel short...


New member
Hey everyone, I need alot of feedback and opinions to write this script...

First of all its a film of about 5 mins... Shot on 16mm non-sink sound...

I wanted to write a very short narrative about a Time Traveler from the year 2036... There's a fallowing of people who believe that a man from 2036 came back in time to get a computer from IBM... the IBM 5100 to fix the computer language that is broken in the future. There was a guy who posted almost every day during March 1st 2001 to Novermber I think?? of the same year... And then just vanished...

he called him self John Titor. The name is fake, but his first name was John.. so they clame... anyway... From this story I wanted to write an inspired by Kind of thing...

so this is what I've got so far..

we see john comming from the year 1975 from getting the computer to take his break that I talked about just before..... and I'm going to keep it all in one day... He comes to our time, and then has to rush back to 2036.. but I dont know what to put inbetween to make a cohearent story..

Any sudgestions!? please???

site about the guy www.johntitor.com if you want to find out more about this story...
I thought it was another computer? Anyway, this scope is pretty big and you gotta think in terms of visuals since you aren't shooting synch sound. Plus you're going ot have to change the story a whole lot, some reason I don't think the Titor's would be too happy (mind you he's just a young child now supposedly). Plus remember why Titor was chosen, his grandfather or other relative was Resonsible for the computer that is to be used to fix the broken computers that control electricity and other systems. I think if you did more research or forgot the whole thing and break free from titor's story you'll be fine, but just 5 minutes for a story like this seems ambitious.
I changed the story drasticly... and so the update


Working title: (JCU: Occurance)
Estimated rolls of film to shoot: 9 rolls of 100ft

My film is about a chick named Jayne. She is a time traveler from the future. She is here to fix the past so she can restore the future to its original state. We are introduced to her in our present time running away from an unknown party. She travels through time with the help of her temporal navigation system "CU" short for Computer; names are not very important in this film up to now... She is going to get chaced, and we are going to see her run away from an invisible force to learn in the end a moment of realization about life.... in her prespective ofcource

This film will reflect and draw distinctions between this theme of the meaning of life in a fast paste up beat movie about time, but mostly about life.

I have already cast my leading actress, a friend of mine Linda Berthiaume


She is going to be wearing a black winter type jacket which I am designing from scratch, green cargo pants fitted for a woman, new sleek looking army boots, and a wonder woman vintage T-shirt. Around her neck she is going to have CU. Her small 2cm cubed friend talking to her throughout the film.

Location scouting starts December 14th 2005.

Thanks alot BigBeaner I appriciate the crits and comments ALot! :wink:

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