


Okay first of all you wont need em. You yourself or the actors will have to be them. For one you cant afford one unless you have a financier or lots of money. But remember if you want your actor to do something. Make sure it is something you would do as well, and make sure you can guaruntee their safety.
First of all...

First of all...

I am sure there are some low cost SAFE stunts that can be done. Some of our members do have or are getting investors.

Well I do all of my own stunts and well needless to say many broken bones have been had. I do not rely on that of a financier. I pay for it on my own which means very low budget, under a $1000. But thats just me I dont like hand downs.
there are people who are dedicated to the stunt profession. This guy in my film production class became very popular because he did the craziest stunts, everything from jumping through a glass window (real glass), to swinging on a vine off of a cliff (and landing face first into a huge boulder), to jumping into the back of an oncoming truck from another vehicle at a pretty high speed (unsuccessfully rolling off the back of the flatbed and onto the pavement- but he did finally get it on the 8th take, and a reduction in speed.)
This guy even let himself get punched in the face once. What did he have to say after all of this? "That was just like nothing..." Remember, this is just a college kid. Well, I guess it's all in who you know.

Oh Well...
Yeah, but what happens when you let a crazy college kid do stunts for your movie and something terrible happens. A broken bone, or death. Then it's YOU who gets the blame for a persons death.
Stunts can Mame and Kill

Stunts can Mame and Kill

Stunts can Mame and Kill

I think that stunt work is an art and a science that requires skill and training. I do not think that anyone should do as this guy is suggesting and try to become popular by doing crazy stunts. In fact I do not endorse or recommend any stunts. I recommend consulting with and employing professionals for stunts that might put anyone at risk of harm in any way.

I watched a program that had several stunt people crashing cars and talking about all the things that went into it. They know what they are doing and have a great deal of practice and instruction behind them before they ever get to crash one. Please do not read something in this forum and go try to do it on your own unless you have a University or licensed instructor or licensed professional working with you.

You might want to check with your local union to see what they might recommend. I will keep my antenna up for someone that might do a workshop with us or write an article about doing dangerous stunts. In the meantime please be safe and live a long happy quality life without risk of injury by not trying the things the college friend spoke about in this forum.

Don't neglect legal issues....just because your stunt man won't sue you doesn't mean his family wont after he puts himself in a comba or death. When making films your liable for a lot of stuff that you have no clue about. look into legal issues and have them sign on the dotted line. cause you'll be pissed when you go into debt for the rest of your life because someone hurt or killed themselves doing something they were willing to do.
Given some of the horror stories Lloyd Kaufman had about professional stunt-men, I'm not sure I'd want to trust amateurs even if there were no legal issues.

A couple I remember (I think I have the details right) were failing to correctly fit a roll cage to a car before a stunt so the passenger compartment was crushed with them inside it, and jumping through a real glass window that was supposed to have been replaced with fake glass. Fortunately neither was seriously hurt.
Stunt Coordinator / Stunt Performers

Stunt Coordinator / Stunt Performers

If any New York area filmmakers are in need of stunts for their film. I am a stunt coordinator and I have a group of young professional stunt performers that like to work with young directors. It gives us a chance to create relationships with young filmmakers and gives you a chance to have professional quality stunt work in your film.

I have experience doing stunt coordinating and fight choreography for over 70 films and shows in and around the city. If you have any questions just shoot me an e-mail and we can strike up a conversation.

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