Sparkle In The Eye (HELP PLEASE)



Most TV shows you see have either a closeup of someone then showing a Sparkle in the eye (like a white star) or when someone shows thier teeth it will sparkle. I was wandering what program I use to make that or where I can get that effect for a video I am doing.
it's not a special effect.

This is achieved through the use of lighting... the key light usually reflects, on purpose mostly, and does so just right to create that sparkle... when the sparkle is accented it's an effect, but the original lighting of the scene is how you get this.


Ok thanks...but I still need to know where I can create this what program.
You could try moving a few frames into PSP animation programme and paint in a sparkle using the point to point selector and low opacity white airbrush. The sparkle should be there for only 2 or 3 frames so will happen kind of fast??? Ive made gun flashes like this and once the sound FX is added it looks kind of realistic? cant think of any other way right now, coz Im just a newbie to this caper also.
Peter Jackson wanted the sparkles in the Queen Elf eyes to be different than everyone else’s sparkle. So what he did was he got some Christmas lights and put them is a “wodd” on some poll. So now every time you see here she looks like she has a galaxy of stars in her eyes… it’s really neat

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