Sony DSR200+ winter



Hi there!

We're shooting a short film in Norway. We're using a Sony DSR200. Since it will be shot at the end of february the weather will still be quite cold, but not too cold. I know the technical aspects of using the camera ranges from 0C to 40C. So if the temperature is from -5C to -10C, would any modifications be necessary? The main concern is of course the lenses and the mechanical moving parts in the camera.

It semi-fits. You are filming in the winter time, and you are asking if any modifications need to be made in order to get the right filming done. It should be ok.

Just try to keep the camera warm if you can. Other wise it won't perform the way it is supposed to. I believe that those temperatures are for the tape, and head so that problems don't occur when filming. My reccomendation is to keep the cameras in a heated environment unless shooting. If you only have it in the cold for a short time, it shouldn't be a problem that occurs suddenly. It should take a good 30 minutes to and hour (or when the entire camera is about to ice over) to cause probelms, in which case you would probably need to get into the heat as well. As long as you don't have the cam in the blistering cold for an extended period of time, and keep the shots short (in time length) you will probably be ok.
I shot a feature using the Sony F900 in St. Petersburg, Russia in December, many scenes at night in freezing cold. The camera always worked fine; in fact, it's such a heat generator that I think it likes the cold.

A much bigger issue is lens condensation when moving from cold to warm environments. Another problem is battery life in the cold; I'd carry extra batteries and keep them warm if possible.
If you lube the camera parts with graphite instead of oil, it will operate better in low temperture conditions. You would have to take it into a camera shop.

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