So is anyone here actually writing a screenplay?


New member
Because all of the threads here are about how people need advice for their screenplay, or how they want feedback on their screenplays.

So how are the screenplays going guys?

Right now I'm working on some horror/sci-fi thing that I'll probably never be able to film, but is still fun to write.

I'm on like page twenty or something. Which is cool I guess.

What about the rest of you?

I'm writing a screenplay. I am about finish. I am completing the 7th draft. It is amazing how many drafts you have to write to get the script just right.
I'm working on and have completed several screenplays. TV is also on the plate.
I'm a Pure Writer.
I just made the first cut in the Page Awards (SciFi), expect to make the second next week, and have an Action script entered in the CWA contest-- which, frankly, I expect to do damned well in.
(Sorry-- but it is what it is.)
I'm working on a science fiction story. For a long while was actually writing the script. But once I got to the midpoint, several things just stopped working. So i've gone back to the beginning, reworking characters and the plot structure.

I'm very excited to be working on it in general, but finding the time and stayin commited is the real tough part. lol. Just scored me a new job with a set schedule and weekends off, so I think my screenplay is going to be getting a lot of attention than usual.

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