That's a good question.
I'm sure the procedures would vary depending on a number of factors, most importantly location, you'd encounter more red tape in LA or NY than in most other locations in the US.
I'd like to see some of the other member's responses to this one...
in most cases you don't even need a business license.

Basically, it comes down to numbers and state regulations.

Find out what your state regulations are for "sole-proprieter" businesses... if you're not going to make enough money back, there's no need to incorporate or even register...

for instance, in Washington State... a Film or Video Production Company, or any other company for that matter, can exist for the small price of creating a website... maybe a few business cards.

However, if you're going to be making enough money at it, you'll need to get yourself a business license... and depending on if you wish to incorporate will determine state registration.

For instance... my business at the moment is completely independent... we run on "out-of-pocket" budgets, and make 0 dollars at it at the moment.
However, when it comes time to incorporate as an LLC (using the designation Ltd. instead of LLC), my business partner's and I will need to acquire a corporate license from the state and business licenses within the city our business is based in.

As for state requirements for owning a corporation or anything like that... you just have to get a business license, and operate within the law.

Other than that, it's free game.

Hope this helps.

BTW... LLC=Limited Liability Corporation (for anyone who didn't know)
and Ltd.= LLC... usually used by companies in Canada & UK, but also by some in the US (aka: Lucasfilm Ltd. = Lucasfilm LLC)
though there are many on-line places...
I would suggest using a CPA or Lawyer to help you incorporate... ask your friends, maybe one of their parents is one or the other...
it'll help in the long run.

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