



Whats up? I'm 19 and i'm and aspiring screen writer. the only problem is when it comes down to writing it, it never comes out good. and i always wanna do it over and over and over. And i jsut realized something. i need my peers. the ones who will be there when im there. the ones in years to come will be able to help me and ill be able to help them. so im in search of all u other 19 20 21 year old screenwriters. we have a better chance of success together. so if anyone is looking for a collaboration of ideas skills and talents let me know. actors actresses writers filmakers cameras. the more people we have to start. the more we can get a name out. we can make small productions. it doesnt really matter where u live. it can all be done from a far untill filming is ready. then we all meet do the film. and seee eachother when it goes up at a festival, or showing, or any of that fun stuff. so im really looking for u guys! girls! i need u. maybe we need eachother.:D
Hey, man. I'm 20 and an aspiring writer such as yourself. It seems from your info that you're on the coast of Cali and I'm on the opposite coast in Atlanta. But if you want someone to take a look at something you've written and contribute some ideas just shoot it my way. I agree we're all more powerful if we stick together!

Welcome. :)

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