Reading material?


New member

I was wondering if there is a sound 'bible' - in the same way most people consider the American Cinematographer Manual to be the bible for camera men and DP's - is there a sound equivalent?

Or even if there's not one single bible like book, is there a few highly rated books that give in depth advice on techniques and equipment that are worth picking up?


That depends upon what aspect of sound interests you. If your interest is film sound here are a few favorites:

The Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound - David Yewdall

Sound Design - David Sonnenschien (Who is also holding an on-line course next month)

The Foley Grail - Vanessa Ament

The Sound Effects Bible - Ric Viers
Great source for sound articles

Great source for sound articles

There is still no one bible for Production Sound. However, I have written and compiled a ton of great articles on my website, which I use as a text for the courses that I teach.

There is a $25 registration fee, but it is worth every penny. And way less expensive than a textbook!

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