Project Management software for Filmmakers


My name is Jeremy and I am working on a web based Project Management solution that is designed specifically with filmmakers in mind (think basecamp for filmmakers). Im a filmmaker myself, and have found where current softwares are lacking, and going back and forth with a bunch of emails, documents, google calendars etc with your staff, freelancers, and clients turns into a bogged-down nightmare quick. So I'm out to build a better solution.

What I'd love to hear from everyone is:

1) What is your current communication method/solution for projects/productions?
2) What do you like/dislike about it
3) What would you like to see implemented in your dream Production Management software solution?

Thanks everyone!

- Jeremy
1) Mainly Facebook. If they are on, then I can get an instant reply. So chat, mainly. Emails, but only sometimes.

2) The person is not always on/the chat is really glitchy. Email takes to long to get an answer you need. Maybe an option to send a text to their phone?

3) I would love to see heaps. A planner for shooting, a scroll bar that is always there that has reminders that you typed in.

Maybe a feature where you start a new project, and it comes up with a list of things like locations, screenplay, casting etc.

You put in a deadline for your film to be completed by and then it automatically warns you when you should be getting something done before it's to late. So if I had not finished casting and I put my filming date at the 11th it would come up with a warning 2 weeks before the filming to warn and remind me.

All the best,
Sweet, thanks for the reply Tyler!

When you say you are using FB for communication, do you mean with collaborators, with clients, or a mixture? Can you give me a scenario to help me picture it?

- Jeremy
As I'm 16 the way me and my friends communicate is on Facebook because it's easier and everyone I need is right there.

So I would use Facebook just to ask questions to my collabs, suggestions etc.

Now that I think about it a voice chat might be handy...


If I was writing a screenplay, but I saw a plot hole, I would go on Facebook and chat to him/her about it. If not, I would just leave a message on Facebook because I know they will see it.

Something else would be to have sections for Cast, Crew, etc so you could hook that up with your planning schedule and then the actor would be able to log on and only see information relevant to them i.e What day they need to show up, when, where, what scenes etc - same with the crew.

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