New screenwriting board up!

Daniel Botha

New member
Not sure if I'm allowed to post things like this up. If not, moderators can remove it as quickly as they like and I apologize for any rule-breaking.

Anyway, I'll keep it short and to the point in this post. Basically, after hanging around many screenwriting forums for the better half of a year, I've been inspired to a certain degree. On one of these boards, I post quite regularly and I have quickly earned myself a reputation (a good one, I hope). I thought to myself not too long ago "Why not try and create my own forum, where writers can go to get feedback and discuss all things screenwriting?"

Quickly, I set into it and created a forum where screenwriters (pro and non-pro) can go to get feedback on their work. The problem is, I've hit a point where unfortunately, the site doesn't have much activity. I know that this is what a forum is supposed to be like at the start and I understand that. What I need is a few members to get the ball rolling. I thought it would be best if I reached out to all my networking systems and posted a thread that promoted the board.

I would love to see you there, as an active member of my new community. If you're interested, then check it out here: Things are still starting and we're still letting the board grow as we progress. Come on over and check it out. Those who stick around have a chance of one day stepping up to moderator status, which might work in your favor on a CV.

From one community to the next, let's create a neat place for screenwriters around the world.


P.S. If I have broken any rules, please don't hesitate to delete this thread and firmly tell me off :eek:

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