my new project


New member
I am currently working on a local music based tvshow. I have everything set up, with the exception of financing. I have the crew, studio, and everything else i will need but the financing. The show will be aired on a local channel.

I am trying to do both commercials and product placement, and I have no Idea where to start. I am trying to think where the advertisers can benefit from the show.

This is my first TV project as a producer, and i am stumped. Also the profits from the show will go toward a feature film.
Do you know where you are distributing (public access, leased access, local network, etc.)? This determines what kind of adversiting and how much of it you can do. Read your outlet's guidelines on adverstisers and promotions.

For adverstisers, the best thing to do is put together a business-like proposal to present to potential advertisers (usually local businesses in an indie tv case). Put in there what age group/gender you think will watch, how many people you expect to watch, and other shows like your show with their data (doesn't have to be in your same region, but find information on other local music tv shows to show how successful your show could/will be).

Most likely, product placement will not happen until after you have had a couple of shows on the air. You can take those episode demos (plus any viewership data you may have) to local businesses like a guitar shop or screenprinting business.

The thing to keep in mind is you want both parties to win: you want money for your show and they want people to be aware of their products/services. So approach it like a business person... just don't let your personality completely go away in the pitch. If the show is an interesting enough idea, you'll get your advertisers. Make sense? Good luck!

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