musiv video: set design....creating the illusion


New member
I am shooting a music video on 16mm...the concept is pretty complicated..
but to get to my main problem it is that the band need to be performing in what looks like a block (i.e..low ceiling, 4 basic walls ) comes the tricky part...the block has gotta kind of move...slight movement is alright because the band can exaggerate the movements....this is cut with a little kid picking up a block or cube in a forest and shakes it....thats why the block and band have to shake.....and obviously there is that small factor that we are student and there's really no budget....although we do have a studio and an art department at our disposal...there are 4 members in the band...someone suggested i build a block with wooden flats on top of gigantic springs that gymnasts use in there springboards....stealing the springboards could be a problem though!!! scrap yard maybe!! any suggestions......HELP!!! shooting in 3 weeks!! :shock:
You can always go old school. shake the camera. If you want to get a bit more high tech, you can put a solid color all around the cube and take it out in post. Then fix a background and just digitally shake the cube.

Not the best way, but it shuold be cheap.
you can do it the star trek way and coordinate the tilting of the camera with the actors stumbling in that direction...that's what happened everytime Kirk's ship got hit with torpedoes and stuff...they'd all lean and fall in the same direction while the camera tilted that way..

you could further enhance that by having the grips move the lighting a bit assuming that the light source is supposed to be outside the cube..that might help achieve the could always do simple camera shake in post if you're editing digitally..i don't recommend shaking a 16mm camera vigorously during filming!! :lol:

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