mirror shot in first person POV


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Im shooting a personal story project for one of my classes at Columibia College Chicago and im shooting in first person POV. The first shot is of me getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. When i walk in the bathroom i look in the mirror and i see myself. i want to keep the first person effect but have my face showing as well. (mind you this is in first person and very low budget) this is mind boggling to me however i do have a couple ideas. lease give me some suggestions on what i should do
Either build a room behind a window that is supposed to be the mirror frame & reflection and have the actor step into view in the window.

Or shoot a mirror at an angle to reflect the actor but not the camera, but perhaps build the mirror frame to compensate for perspective so that it doesn't look like you are looking at the mirror from one side, i.e. it looks like you are flat-on to the mirror.

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