male gaze in film school


New member
Hey all!

I am writing my final paper on the difference between female characters: written by men and women. I have been diving deep into the male gaze by Laura Mulvey and wanted to know if this phenomenon is still as integrated into the film industry as it looks to be. How do film schools and studies deal with the male gaze and subverting to it (if it even does at all)? Does anyone have any stories to share or examples to give? How does your course deal with the female experience or does it not separate this from the male experience ( talking to screenwriter students)?

Hopefully this makes any sense. I would be so happy if someone could help me, thanks a lot!

Hi Shiamiguos, I am not in filmschool and the classes I took were broadly based on how to write about movies and how movies are made not theories about gender roles in this process. We do have a video online by Nancy Shrieber ASC where she talks about making her film and dealing with the male gaze. I am curious since you are writing a paper what your experience with what is taught at your school?

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