make up on a corpse

Contact a local mortuary...
the mortition who works there will be very experienced with corpses and make-up.

If you're lucky, you could even find one who would want to help you out. Either give you some pointers & tell you what to buy... or maybe even volunteer to work on your film with you.

People love to help people... it's true!

good luck!
Since this was posted last year, and Im new to this forum, i will post this in case you (or anyone else) is still looking for answeres on this. A good resource for make up on dead people/animals I would go to would be Halloween how-to pages. A good one i know of that has tons of things (mostly related to halloween but there are tons of things that could be used in film production) is a site called the MonsterList Of Links to Halloween Do-It-Yourself Projects.
the link
when you go to the site, just go to Edit>find and type in corpse and you will find a bunch of stuff

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