lavalier mics



I've been working on a shoot this week, pulling triple duty as grip, gaffer, and audio tech.

My question is regarding lav mics. I've been miking teenage girls for a fashion/teen style DVD shot on a DVX100a. We're using sennheiser wireless lav mics. Problem is, the girls have been wearing lots of layers (it's been cold in NYC) and their clothing tends to rub on the mics. No matter where I put the mics, either their long hair causes problems, or some piece of clothing, or the really thin pieces of clothing fold over from the weight of the mic and it gets lost.

Are there any tips from you sound guys for getting good audio with lav mics?

Also, what's good technique for boom operators. I've been doing that as well, and 1) boy are my arms tired *rim shot* and 2) it's difficult to follow the action and get good audio, especially when only two of the three subjects are miked with lavs. Any tips?


Lav Mics

Lav Mics

In response to keeping a lav mic where it belongs. Rip the fron cover of a matchbook off. Place the cardboard on the inside of the shirt when attaching the Lav. The cardboard will keep the thin clothing from folding over. As for rubbing. use one of the layers of clothing like a pop filter. Gaffer the lav mic flush to the fabric so it moves as little as possible.

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