Is cinematography a good career?


New member
You could be thinking about a career in cinematography if you have a passion for films and a desire to capture beautiful sights on camera. But is a career in cinematography a wise choice?
Allow me to answer your question with another question: why wouldn't it be a good career? :) The pay is good, you have the chance to work with smart and talented fellows and you also have the opportunity to do what you like, that is, of course, if you are passionate about cinematography.
It is a wise choice if you are passionate about it and willing to put years of time and effort without pay. A cinematographer is a general and leader of the camera and lighting department. To lead a group of people you will need years of experience, whether through short films and your own projects or working in the camera department on different sets and working your way up through your professional network. These days Cinematographers need a good understanding of Vfx and need to be able to communicate effectively with the vfx supervisor. This requires good math skills, communication skills and artistic talent (a good eye).

If you are a beginner I recommend applying for film school or working on a film set with the camera department and see how they operate in a high pressure environment. Realistically you will start out making films with friends and it will take years around mid 30s, to late 40s before you get the big job. It is very unrealistic to expect a cinematography job after film school and that is why many students give up after graduating in their early 20s.

Best of luck and never give up!

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