Invisible force


New member
hey i wanted to know if there is a way to make the actor getting hit by a an "invisible force". Like she's walking and then she's pushed against a wall. Any way of what can i do to make this effect? I'm thinking about shooting the scene in reverse but i don't think if it's going to look realistic.
invisable force

invisable force

You could try rigging your performer with a harness and a couple of thin steel cables, and on que, film crew members could pull on the cables to create a look of pushed and pulled via an invisable force. the cables could be painted to match the background or you could just shoot over them. :D
With the cables the actor could be wearing roller blades so its smooth 8)
hmmm well cant you create green screen wall and have acotr run into that just on comp edit green for background *have wall be like something stage hand can push and like push actor back with
Hi guys First comment (WooHoo), i know how to use adobe premiere (video Software) so if you could set up a wall thats blue (completely Blue) with no shadows and perfect light and then you tie a rope which is painted completely blue also around your actor and pull her (if she doesn't mind) you can erase all the blue and make everything transparent with adobe premiere and it would give the effect of a hidden force on your actor.

P.s If you manage to set up that scene the way i described and you still don't understand you can send me the video and i'll add the special effect for you, plus it would be fun :)
well im stupid and didnt even read the whole motion, just have her copy the motion of getting pushed its actually really simple.

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