info for bolex and russian k-3 16mm cameras




i am new to shooting film.. my highschool gave me a old bolex camera. i dont know to much about it what model it is or if its newer or pre war. i shot a roll and it came out decent but alot of hairs and scratches. I dont know if it was my fault or the cameras fault... i plan on selling the camera for a russian k-3 i dont know if thats a better move and i was wondering how if any one can estamate a price for my bolex heres a few photos


Bolex > Russian Cams

Bolex > Russian Cams


My two cents says hang on to the Bolex. They're pretty solid little performers and plenty of folk have done nice things with them, not to mention the vast support network that already exists for the Bolex.

Find a reputable Bolex dealer (a Google search should point you in the right direction) to have the camera tech'd. The name camera houses here in L.A. will generally run a scratch test and clean up the camera nicely for a pretty reasonable fee.

Wikipedia has a nice resource page on the Bolex and will give you all the information you might want regarding your particular camera, a search for "Bolex Serial Numbers" should get you there.

Whatever you decide, I say 'welcome to film'! I hope you have as much enjoyment shooting film as I have through the years. Best of luck!

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