How to say that a character is moving closer to us/the viewer/the camera?

Chris Leonard

New member
I have a script in which several of the scenes have a character walking towards the camera. I've read that you shouldnt use "us" or "we" in a screenplay, for example, dont write "Jim walks towards us." What would a good way be to describe such a situation? Thank you for any feedback.
Help if still needed

Help if still needed

Hi, i havnt been on here for about a month, and i have just read your post. If you still need help with this matter. Have a look at this. It may be able to help you with your problem and maybe any other problems you may have, or come across later on. Best of luck, Andyh.
I would say walks toward the camera i suppose. i am sure there are many examples out there. I would not suggest the site. there are many much betters websites out there. Also, get screenplays and read as many as you can.
If you're directing or producing the film, it doesn't matter. You can say "Character walks directly toward camera." If somebody else is directing, don't try to direct for them. Focus on story. Just be sure to be a producer so you can be sure to explain the vision of the script to them. Seriously, though, you can do it so long as trying to "direct-via-script" isn't happening all over the place.
If you're directing or producing the film, it doesn't matter. You can say "Character walks directly toward camera." If somebody else is directing, don't try to direct for them. Focus on story. Just be sure to be a producer so you can be sure to explain the vision of the script to them. Seriously, though, you can do it so long as trying to "direct-via-script" isn't happening all over the place.

Avoid using words like camera and on words like you.
Everyone has their own style and while there may be general do and don't lists there is always an exception to every rule. I like what Peter Stein says, "Does it work?"
"Us" and "we" is weak but commonly done. If memory serves Tarintino does this
"walks toward the camera" is better-- if you're a director reading someone else's stuff.

Personally, I'd just write, JIM DIRECTLY APPROACHES, as an elemental shot.

As long as it's clear in context it doesn't really matter. As a general rule, the fewer words you use the better.

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