How to make ***** off of short films...


New member
Hey guys,

So I'm going to be making a few short films, but there are a few issues:

1) I would like to make some ***** back from them

2) Charging $15 for a 5-10 min movie isn't reasonable

3) I want to have world wide access, but then they would have to pay for shipping

So, what was I thinking?

Why not use iTunes?

You pay $5 then you download the short film.

Now, I do realise that that's a nice idea and all but the only way to get the DVD experience (Menus etc) would to have to download an .iso and then mount it - to hard for most people.


You know games on the internet, well they are coded in flash. Flash produces a movie file .swf

It's an interactive movie file.

Put menus, video on it etc.

It might or might not work, but I would like to find out as this may be the future of how indie film makers distribute their films.


[EDIT: So they block the word m0nee. lol.]
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