Hit in face or hit by a car!

I'm in need of some 'props' or special effects for some vidoes....although I never knew how they were done.

1 - I need to find out how to hit someone in the face that seems to really hurt. The guy is yelling, very excited, stands up, picks up a game board (or whatever material) and slams it into his friends face, really hard. What can I use to not hurt the guy getting hit. It would hit him around the cheek area.

2 - I never knew how you can make someone look like they got hit by a car. If they were just standing there...and you see a car come by and slam into him. How would this work??

Thanks for any help.
- Ben
Hit by car

Hit by car

The car scene could be done in a series of cuts.......1st you see the car gaining speed,2nd cut to inside the car, and jerkily focus on the victim at the side of the road, 3rd have your performer stood out of the way of the car and do a forward roll as the car goes past, this has to be shot at a 90 dergree angle to the travel of the car and editted with sound fx to give the impact more umph! hope this helps. :D

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