Hi from France !


New member
I just got to know your forum from one of my students, and as i begin to have surfed a little bit more here now, i wonder if i should'nt sort of present my self, as it seems like new comers do usually.

I studied in Louis Lumière school in Paris, worked as a camera assistant and then operator and sometimes dop or director for 15 years. I worked on feature lenghts, commercials, tv series, short films, tv shows and as a reporter cameraman for the french tv...

Now I teach in an "audiovisual" public school in the south of France and in a private "directing" school as well.

It's not been a long time i got into this "internet" stuff, forums and so...

My purpose here would be of two major points :

- Try to know much better how technicians work all other the world, i mean on the technical point of view. Things like "how do you make the camera tests before shooting in your country" (camera assistants), or how do you gaffers or grips work... (technics worldwide)

- Try to know how do the studies rule for you students all other the world : how much does it cost, how long time does it take, for what studies...

if anyone wants to join ?
Hi...I am a student from Montreal Quebec... So I guess that i can reply in French...lol :wink:

Si tu veux tu peux me rejoindre a mon add e-mail: Jeanf_morin@hotmail.com
comme ca, ca risque de prendre moins de place sur le forum...pis je peux aller dans les details...

Ps: desole si tu connais le systeme scolaire quebecois, mais c'est juste au cas ou...lol.

Cegep: ( Avant l'universite et apres le secondaire ) Deux session par annee. Entre deux et trois ans. DEC-2ans-


Par exemple au cegep, le cours de cinema ce donne sur deux ans (DEC).

La premiere session ressemble a ceci:

- Creation.1. ( Initiation au super 8mm, court metrage de 2min. + creation d'une bande annonce + exercices pratique divers... )

- Histoire du cinema ( des freres Lumiere jusqu'a aujourd'hui )

+ Autre cours généraux commun aux autres cours d'arts.

La deuxieme session:

- Creation.2. ( court metrage sonore 3min. + documentaire de 15 min. + exercices divers...)

- Cinema nationaux ( Cinema direct, Quebec, Nouvelle-vague, France, Iranien, Europe de l'Est, Chinois, Bresilien, etc. )

- Scenarisation

+ Autre cours généraux commun aux autres cours d'arts.

Session 3 :

- Creation.3. ( Court metrage fiction 15 min. Mini-DV )

- Histoire du cinema Quebecois

+ Autre cours généraux commun aux autres cours d'arts.

Session 4 :
- Creation 4 ( projet libre. Sa vision du cinema )
- Modernite / Post modernite

- Analyse de 20p. minimum sur un film ex moi : ( Mauvais Sang, L.Carax ) 8)

+ Autre cours généraux commun aux autres cours d'arts.


Bref un petit resume d'un cours de cinema au cegep au Quebec...Pour plus de details sur les plans de cours n'hesita pas a me contacter... Ca me fera plaisir de te donner des infos ou des references.... :lol:
Hi !

Thanks for your post !

I think it's better if you write in english because - I hope - it might interest anybody intersted in this topic !

I just have a comment on this program : is there no theorical technical course of anykind ?

Is there no "mise en scene/directing course" ? I think it's great to have history and analyse courses, but I think there are theorical knowledge, technics and rules that must be studied to.

Having experience in setting up your own projects is great, but is it enough ?
Well i had some ''mise en scene/directing course'' but only because i've been director... It's only at the University that we take a specific field, like director, cameraman, script, editor, etc.


College film studies are what we call Pre-Universitaire course (DEC)...It is called a prerequired for the University course... Because here, if you want to go to the University you must be 21 year old or older...So when we finished the hight school we are generally 17... Need 4 year to wait or a DEC diploma. :? + A GREAT PORTFOLIO ....Because the contingency level is very high...+/- 60/650

Like at the Concordia University, there are two kind of studies :

Film Studies or Film production...

Film Studies is made specialy for people who wants analyse movie and be futur critics...

Film Production is made for people who want create and do concret things...And there, depending on what you want to be, like director, editor, or anythings else, you get one year of specialisation...

And for the information... The Concordia University Film Production program is the best across the Canada...and also one of the great in North America...and less expensive then the US... And i'm not counting the money exchange...The CA$ is lower then the US$...

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