
Kim Welch

Senior Member
Staff member
what if i just want to shoot someone in my film and i want it to look real? That should not cost to much, right? i am sure there is a way to do it that will get a the best result. where would i get the gun and the blood?
one word, four letters... ebay

squibs and blanks is all it takes.
However, you can kill people with blanks and squibs if you don't know what you're doing: so be sure you know what you're doing, or find someone who does.
if you don't want to get all fancy with it, or you dont have the money to spend, and air compressor works just as good. you can pack a plastic tube, (aquarium tube works pretty well) with corn syrup, red food dye, and i throw in chunks of styrofoam into the mix for effect, then just feed it through a small tear in a shirt, or wherever, and there ya go, instant gunshot wound.
oh by the way, that last post was mine, just in case anyone wondered, just forgot to log in :D
What exactly is a squib? I assume it is how you simulate the impact wound somehow? I too am interested in shooting an action sequence involving some death-by-firearm.


basically its a small explosive charge in a bowl...used to simulate bullet hits in a wall or body, or whatever...


The Squib is just the explosive device...not the device+backing combo that i had originally thought....

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