Finished Scripts


New member
Hi Everyone!
I'm wondering if I can group my shorts together and copyright them as one document? Well, register them with the WGA. I would love to share my scripts with others and get feed back or possible collaboration but they are not registered. And I just learned that the mail yourself a copy method doesn't work.
My first short that I wrote was as a result of a short script competition I found on line just randomly. The deadline was in 3 days and they had all these strict requirements. Unfortunately, I work best under pressure, and I loved the idea of the challenge. It was a a 30 min short that should feature 9 people equally, so they're 9 leads. Now, that's kind of tough especially in three days. I however, finished my 30 pages around 5:00 that morning that the post mark was due and then passed out on my computer.
After mailing it, I just didn't think about it much. I accomplished what I wanted and it was to make the deadline.
The studio that advertised the competition was working for some award winning director, and the prize was to get your script produced, go to the premiere and to get possible contacts from this. The studio was supposed to choose 3 scrpits from all the submissions, and forward them off to the director. Well, Ladies and gentlemen, mine was in the top three chosen. I later heard that he chose a script from another studio. But anyway, that was enough confirmation for me to think that I am an OK writer, and I should keep at it. The guy also told me he loved the script and that it had a perfect ending for a short.
Unfortunately without crazy deadlines I don't produce 30 pages in three nights, but I have a few finished shorts that I feel good about.
Just thought I'd share that story. I want to register the scripts and find people to work with. I think it's $20 per script, and I would love to save the cash if I can.



Well, I've done it.

I had several short comedy skits (about 4 to 5 pages each). One of them was titled PINK AND BLUE. So I bundled them into a "collection" (similiar to a book of short stories). That way it became one item.

I titled my "collection": PINK AND BLUE, AND OTHER COLOR SCHEMES TO DRIVE YOU MAD. I even included a table of contents listing the skits.

I registered it with the WGA and the Copyright Office. Both accepted it. I told the Copyright Office (on the form) that it was a collection. The WGA took it as a single script, without a glance or any questions.

WGA registration exists solely to prove authorship upon a certain date. If you need to prove such for any of your shorts, you simply have the WGA registered envelop opened in court. It won't matter, for evidentiary purposes, if there are other shorts registered along with the disputed item.

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