Traceless Nik

New member
i am curently writing a horror film and was wondering if there was ay one here who could help me out with or put me in touch with someone who can make effective wounds, gunshost and just general blood, gore and other horror movie tricks.


where you located?

I used GornFX. those guys are sweet. you can see samples of their work on my film at my production blog.

With the proper framing and some bacon/ground beef/pig guts/etc you can make very believable guts and gore. There are plenty of sites that have recipes for fake blood. On one particular shoot I needed what looked like intestines, and plenty of fake blood to spatter on the walls. I went to the local grocery store, bought a few packages of bacon and ground beef, took them home, mixed them with fake blood, and threw them into the film.

You can judge it for yourself here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=q-eJSFfxy4I
yo guys, with "real" ingredients like meat, the clean up can be a real b*itch. our fx guys used food stuff like oatmeal and syrup and the stickiness was annoying but tolerable. with meat, you run the added risk of ecoli poisoning if you're not careful. that can be a huge liability depending on where you shoot. can you imagine the guilt and legal quagmire you'd find yourself if your set was a family's house and were responsible for the children getting ecoli poisoning?? DO NOT USE REAL MEAT!
foam scrap pieces, syrup stuff with red dye, and air pressure. the rest is make-up.
Get a big peice of glass or plexy glass, smear som flesh colored liqud latex all over it. Let it dry, then scrap your finger nails back and forth all over. the latex bunches up and makes what they call in the industry"chunks of flesh. You glue it to a person then aply fake blood and there you have torn flesh. If you squeeze it to gether you have intestinse. And so on.
Well me and my friend did zombie movie we used all real lol pig intestines and pigs blood. AS LONG AS YOU KEEP IT REFRIGERATED the smell is tolerable. I got this technique from the Master of Splatter Tom Savini.
Re: Blood Shots

Re: Blood Shots

dfcurran said:
If you decide to make your own blood using corn syrup use blue and red food coloring to get a true blood color.

Red and blue??? :shock:
ok the one i am having most trouble with is this

A spiked small totem pole (like an artifact) gets pusshed through some one and they then pull it out leaving a rather large wound
I can make a tutorial for you including photos of how to do that if you would like, I have been wanting to do fx but I dont have any ideas on what i want to do and this will be great chance to show my work and practice. :D :D :D
Traceless Nik said:
ok the one i am having most trouble with is this

A spiked small totem pole (like an artifact) gets pusshed through some one and they then pull it out leaving a rather large wound

Ohhh can't help you with that one my friend sounds like you enjoy giving yourself a headache with complicated scripts, But wait (gonna get technical) if that guy that was spiked wore a circle green badge on the place of injury and you got all the video footage of whats behind and in front of him in the way he moves when he passes out (murdered, killed) including the motion i should be able to make him appear hollow and dead, Basically i would make his belly see through and bloody.

Basically what i'm saying is if you put the green badge, sticker whatever on him i'll do the effect for you or at least try, if your confused let me know and i'll explain further.
i like the idea dog but the problem with the basic green screen thing is the fact that he doesnt actually die!

yeah this script is way to complicated and curently is on hold untill we get another location and some money behind this.

but any ideas you can throw at me would be great

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