combining film and digital footage


New member
I'm planning to shoot a digital movie with slow motions-- which is probably not the best choice judging Digital only have 30 frames/sec. I was thinking of only shooting the slow motion using film, and the rest using digital, and combining the 2 together in postprodution. Is that possible? How about the color frames and texture and all that?

Another way is to ask the actors act really slow-- which is really not preferred as this is very unnatural ( actually I would not do the slow motions at all if digital really can't do quality slow motions).

Any suggestions? Thanks:)
That's going to be an expensive endeavor. VERY expensive. It will be quite difficult to match the footage together unless you rent some really high end HD camera. What if you just rent a high end HD camera with variable frame rates, or you could just rent that new Panasonic HDV camera with variable frame rates. I'm not sure you want to go all out just for the slow motion... there are other ways to do it. Whatever you choose, good luck.
i've put slow-mo into my shorts and gotten away with it, (i think!!) i been shooting on miniDV and lately on sonys Z1- HD 6 grand camera, and simply slowed the footage down in premiere.
if ya have the equipment ya could try a few tests and see what ya think.

i agree with Lazlo, going for film option just for the shot is a bit of a mad one. i like the Acting in Slo-mo idea! but if its supposed to be serious it may not work... but who knows - again just keep testing out your ideas and see what you can get away with.

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