City of God


New member
Ok, I finally saw City of God last night and was blown away by it's Cinematography. It's about 1:30am now, and I've been google searching for the past hour or so for info on how he (Cesar Charlone) shot the movie. I couldn't find much (just background info on him and movie critics here and there).

I was wondering if any of you sat through a panel discussion or heard interviews with him talking about his work? What kind of camera, film, lighting did he use?
Are there any links I've missed? stuff like that?

Anyways, just thought I'd ask. It just got me curious about the Brazilian film scene.
It was covered in the Feb. 2003 issue of "American Cinematographer.' Aaton Super-16 mixed with Arri-III 35mm, Kodak stocks, digital intermediate to HD, Celco CRT recording back to 5245 camera negative stock, push-processed.
in city of god they cross processed the film with a reversal stock to intesify certain some colors like glues and greens. They also used an old early 1900s style hand crank camera to get that choppy look. They used these techniques in man on fire as well, both movies are on my top 5 list of favorite movies.

Where are you getting your information?

most of the iformation i'm getting from the director commentaries of man on fire. He based his movie visually on city of god so he talks a little bit about that.

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